Gambling of Scholarship Points by Scholarship Points

Approved Scholarships and Grants, and Educational Courses

Did alleged trademark attorney Michael J. Bevilacqua ask these two simple question, or did Michael J. Bevilacqua simply pocket a few thousand dollars in quick legal fees, and wait for the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office to do the dirty work? The dirty work is to tell ScholarshipPoints.Com the cold truth. The phrase ScholarshipPoints has no significant market value, and is not suitable for registration on the principal register. A legitimate attorney, not interested in legal fees, would have informed Scholarship Points.Com of this fact.

Unless bribed or prostitutes are used as bait, there is little chance that the men involved in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will approve a contradictory and generic phrase like Scholarship Points as a valid trademark. Scholarship Points simply does not merit the protection and prestige of association with the U.S. Patent and Trademark system. Let’s consider the raw and brutal facts, as submitted by its own voluntarily selected legal representative; namely, ScholarshipPoints.Com has admitted that their use of the phrase “Scholarship Points” is synonymous with “…arranging and conducting an educational incentive reward program that encourages participants to accrue virtual currency earned through social gaming which can be redeemed for a chance of payment of educational expenses…”

It appears that students are being encouraged to participate in a form of gambling for scholarship points, which can be “redeemed” for a “chance” [gambled] of payment.

Please click this link for a Scholarship Points table that uses merit for the selection of scholarship recipients.

