Are Mom Scholarships A Scam? Read the facts, and You be the judge.

Approved Scholarships and Grants, and Educational Courses

Calling Scholarships4Moms.Net

A female member of National Academy of American Scholars called the sponsor of these so-called $10,000 Mom scholarships to inquire about the legitimacy of the so-called Mom scholarships offered. Cyndi inquired how to enter the Mom Scholarship contest, what are the requirements to win, and is the contest Mom Scholarship contest really legitimate. The person who answered the phone had a heavy accent, and claimed to be from India. American employees or officials were not immediately available. When pressed for details about the alleged $10,000 Mom Scholarships scholarship program, and whether personal information was being hawked to college recruiters, the representative became evasive.

Eligibility Requirements for Entering the $10,000 Moms Scholarship Contest by Mom Scholarships Sponsors

The eligibility requirements to enter the $10,000 Mom Scholarship are extremely simple. In fact, the eligibility requirements are so simple that the requirements more closely resemble a pure drawing, lottery, or game of chance than a traditional scholarship contest.

  1. Mom Scholarships require Moms and single moms to register their name and address with Scholarships4Moms.Net;
  2. Consent to provide your name and address to possible college recruiters and/or student loan companies;
  3. Mom Scholarships require Moms and single moms to complete an action (contact the sponsors);

$10,000 Mom Scholarships are Really a Drawing or Lottery

When seeking a trademark registration from U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, National Academy of American Scholars was required to demonstrate that it sponsored and/or awarded legitimate scholarships, grants, and financial-aid. Since our scholarships require academic merit, we met one of several tests. ScholarshipPoints.Com, another lottery-style scholarship operator failed in a bid to secure a trademark because its so-called scholarships are not really scholarships per the legal definition.

The Federal Trade Commission must initiate a rule that prohibits lottery-style operators of drawings from deceptively labeling their contests as scholarships when in fact very little scholarship effort is being applied to win the award.

Mom Scholarships



Scholarship Bob

About Scholarship Bob

NAAS Administrator for 10 years. I joined National Academy of American Scholars straight from College. I am not a paid employee. I am a volunteer.

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