Single-Mom Scholarships for Single Moms

Approved Scholarships and Grants, and Educational Courses

Needs and Obligations of Single Moms

Single moms, in particular, have needs and obligations that their non-mom female counterparts do not. Obviously, single moms have the additional obligations, additional duties of raising a child, and that fact alone is an entire package of duties.

Astute scholarship sponsors like National Academy of American Scholars have long recognized the importance of single moms, and their dynamic, important, and increasing contributions to education. Single moms are represented cross the entire ethnic spectrum, ranging from Caucasion, African-American, Latina, Native-American, European, Asian, etc.

According to statistics compiled by the Women’s Legal Defense Fund, around 45% of single mothers have never married, around 55% of single mothers are divorced, and at least 50% of single moms have at least one-child. Moreover, only one third of single mothers receive any child support, and the average amount these single mothers receive is only about $300 a month. Few, if any husbands, are providing or making any scholarship contributions to the purses of their former wives whom may be seeking scholarships for moms/mothers.

Please click this link for more information about Single-Mom Scholarships for single moms seeking scholarships, grants, and financial-aid



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